Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay about Medicinal Value of Yoga - 2978 Words

Medicinal Value of Yoga What most Westerners picture when you say Yoga, is an Indian guru in cloth shorts or a long flowing robe, twisted up in a some sort of a pretzel pose. You may picture the Yoga practitioner in peak physical shape, as well as, being a very peaceful human being. It is attaining this goal that is the aim of Yoga, but what most of people dont realize, is exactly how much goes into achieving this state. Yoga time honored teaching on how to achieve physical health, psychological well being and spiritual peace. This can be achieved by concentrating for hours in a state of complete focus, know as meditation. While mediating, the practitioner assumes various body positions known as asanas, that allows for maximum†¦show more content†¦Yoga exercises (physical, mental or spiritual) based on eastern metaphysical assumptions designed to aid in enlightenment or self-realization. Goals sometimes include Altered States of consciousness or uniting the practitioner with the impersonal pant heistic God. Yoga philosophy is based on the concept of Reincarnation, the Upanishads and other Hindu scripture. In this essay I would like to briefly explore the primary branches of Yoga: Karma, Bhakti, Juana, and Raja Yoga and point out their advantages and pitfalls as well as point out the value of their practice as it pertains to keep the body healthy and free from disease. ): Yoga can be experienced on many different levels for example: as a way to relax after a long stressful day; or a more physically demanding focus on strengthening and invigorating the body; as a more therapeutic practice for a particular physical difficulty or ailment; or as a path to spiritual enlightenment to reach a higher state of consciousness and a union with the Divine. Medicinal Value of Yoga In India, yoga has been practiced for thousands of years, and for the past 80 years, western scientists have studied its use as a therapy in various disorders. A session of yoga lasts about 20 minutes and includes a secession of postures progressing from simple to complex with simultaneous, structured, deep breathing. Yoga enables a person to control many physiological aspects including metabolic rate andShow MoreRelatedHealth, Illness And Wellness2522 Words   |  11 Pagesof health, illness and wellness and my own personal ideologies about health, family beliefs and cultural health concepts which could affect the health and wellbeing. My visual presentation represents mammography for Visualization for breast cancer, yoga meditation, home remedies, nutritious diet and hand washing. How they impact and influence me in supporting my health and health needs of my family. 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