Friday, January 31, 2020

How can leaders increase employee productivity through motivation Essay

How can leaders increase employee productivity through motivation techniques and approaches - Essay Example There is overwhelming amount of literature based on studies conducted by various researchers over the years which point to the fact that over and above the conventional motivation techniques and practices which mainly involve financial motivation such as higher pay packages, bonuses etc. contemporary leaders are increasingly focusing on developing innovative motivation techniques. This study aims to assess and examine the various factors which leaders can use to motivate their employees, the significance and relevance of motivation, and the role of leaders in motivating employees. This is achieved through an extensive literature review – comprising of theoretical perspectives, case studies and meta-analysis. The results revealed that there is a direct and positive relationship between motivation and employee performance and productivity. On the basis of this study it is recommended that organizations and leaders introduce innovative motivational strategies and practices and constantly challenge the employees to help them stay motivated. â€Å"In motivating people, youve got to engage their minds and their hearts. It is good business to have an employee feel part of the entire effort . . . ; I motivate people, I hope, by example—and perhaps by excitement, by having provocative ideas to make others feel involved.† Human resource is one of the most critical and integral part of an organization. It has been observed that a talented pool of highly motivated workers plays a key role in steering an organization towards successful accomplishment of its goals (Sims, 2002; Wiley, 2010; Daft and Marcic, 2010; Frey and Osterloh, 2002). Hence it is imperative for managers to ensure that the employees are managed effectively and adequately motivated to ensure better performance and productivity. Enhancing employee performance and productivity entails provision of adequate training and education to the workers, ensuring a positive work environment, and

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